Founded on a proven history.

In 1929, Albert E. Haas (Al) graduated from the University of Kansas and opened a general insurance agency in Kansas City, Missouri. In 1938, Al entered the carnival insurance sector by writing his first policy for Sol’s Liberty Shows, which led to further referrals and growth in this niche.
Al partnered with William Ralph Wilkerson Jr. (Ralph) in 1939, forming Haas & Wilkerson Insurance. After Ralph returned from World War II, they focused on carnival insurance, significantly increasing their premium volume by 1952. The firm incorporated as Haas & Wilkerson, Inc. in 1954.
Early 1950s
In the early 1950s, Haas & Wilkerson Insurance merged with Rogers Wohlberg, consolidating their carnival insurance activities. This merger, along with strategic acquisitions and expansions, bolstered their reputation and client base.
Late 1960s - Early 1970s
William Ralph Wilkerson III (Bill) and Philip Coulson (Phil) joined the agency in the late 1960s and early 1970s, respectively. Under their leadership, the agency expanded into new areas, including agricultural fairs, festivals, and amusement parks, significantly increasing their business volume.
In 1983, the agency launched Specialty Program Insurors (SPI) to serve the equine industry, marking the beginning of a new specialty insurance focus. This diversification complemented their agricultural fair program.
1999 - 2004
William Ralph Wilkerson IV (Ryan) joined the agency in 1999 and became president and CEO in 2004. Under Ryan’s leadership, the agency introduced new insurance programs and invested in technology and personnel, continuing the legacy of core values and entrepreneurial spirit. To learn more about our legacy, contact us today.
In response to an industry need, the World Waterpark Association partnered with Haas & Wilkerson to create a specialized insurance program. The agency delivered innovative solutions that continue to provide stability to waterparks.
Pioneering the insurance landscape, the agency developed a unique program to support the rapidly growing family entertainment segment of trampoline parks.
During the COVID-19 shutdown, Haas & Wilkerson collaborated with its insurer and clients to implement reduced premiums, ensuring comprehensive coverage at minimal cost during closures.
The agency introduced a new insurance segment tailored for the emerging agritainment industry.
Building on its legacy of leadership, Haas & Wilkerson unveiled a revitalized Mission, Vision, and Values framework, introduced a refreshed brand identity, and launched market initiatives to enhance services and drive future growth.